I ticked 4 new states for my list and...drum roll, please...32 new life birds! Uncontainable joy! Onto my list flew: Black-throated Green Warbler, Black Vulture, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Blue Jay, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Brown Thrasher, Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren, Chimney Swift, Chipping Sparrow, Common Grackle, Common Nighthawk, Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Kingbird, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Screech Owl, Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrow, Great Crested Flycatcher, Indigo Bunting, Laughing Gull, Least Tern, Mississippi Kite, Orchard Oriole, Pileated Woodpecker, Red-headed Woodpecker, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Scarlet Tanager, Tufted Titmouse, White-eyed Vireo, and White Ibis! What a list for me to find joy in!
We birded with the Birding Master nearly every morning we were there. And I finally got to bird with my Grandmother-in-law at her kitchen window! She's the lady who started the generation of birders!
Justin and I value all of our time spent with family. Sabbath was especially meaningful with our Uncle, Grandma, and Granddad we hadn't seen for many moons. It also included a bird matching card game from their past they introduced me to! (My obsession with it goes without saying! Oops, I said it!)
This was our second trip to Tennessee together and we have a tradition now of always going to Gatlinburg, The Great Smoky Mountains, and stopping in Knoxville on the way home to eat at El Chico. (I recently have begun a rating system for my obsession with trying tacos at every Mexican restaurant. El Chico's has been the first 10/10!!! Also, the fresh guacamole is out of this world!)
We added a new stop on our trip this year that is so special and amazing that it deserved its own paragraph! The Christmas and Collectibles store in Pigeon Forge!!! Another one of my obsessions is Christmas, so... me + Christmas in July = Augggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Justin and I picked out many absolutely perfect bird ornaments that we cannot wait to add to our bird-themed Christmas tree this year!
Side note: I realized my official obsession with Christmas a few days ago (not sure why I didn' realize it before!). Then it dawned on me as I was searching Amazon for Old World Christmas bird ornaments in July, someone else in our family had an obsession with Christmas, especially Christmas decorations and ornaments--my Grandma Carol! It is an honor to pass down her tradition and it is a very high honor to display some of her most lovely Christmas ornaments she has collected and gifted throughout the years on our tree!
Our trip to the south then moved us to our anniversary "Destin-ation!" (We were pretty proud of coining that term this trip!) We drove through horrific thunder and lightning storms to get there, which made me unsure of what I was getting myself into with this whole Florida thing. Upon relaxation and a good night's sleep, I fell in love with Florida the next morning! How could I not? ...He took me to the Destin jetty!!!! The water was so clear I could have written all my postcards underwater! (But why would I want to do that? What I really should have done was snorkel with Justin! Next time! ...And I will definitely use your tip, Christy, to snorkel with a noodle! There's no way I'm going to snorkel for exercise! Snorkeling will be 100% relaxation and leisure if I choose to partake in it!)
Justin and I discovered the nearby outlet stores. Which was a mistake. But it was also a hilarious discovery to find out Justin's disbelief of how literally everything is always on sale at an outlet. I also found my new favorite store: GH Bass. I think we literally visited the outlets 3 times in 2 days!
We also miniature golfed, which was so fun! This was only the second time we played. Apparently, it's a vacation activity for us. Our first time playing was on Catalina Island. I remember we tied our first time, but he says I beat him by one point. This time, he beat me by one point! Perfect!
The final part of our trip consisted of driving from Florida to Louisiana in order to fly home with a shorter flight. It is so easy to trust Justin with taking care of all the planning, reservations, and details of our trips, that sometimes I forget to ask things and, instead, I get surprised! He booked us a stay at "the belle of New Orleans." It was the prettiest hotel I've ever seen! He wanted us to have a treat for our last day of vacation and also for me to feel relaxed before the flight home. The Lord knew I needed to marry this guy for sure!!!
Cheers! |
All in all, our summer vacation was 100% a success! Great memories to last a lifetime plus! And I learned a valuable lesson this trip: no trip to the south is now complete without sweet tea, boiled peanuts, and grits!
For more of our trip pictures: Click here!