Many prefer the "firsts" of everything, but I'm more of a fan of "the second time around." Blessed indeed, the husband and I got a second chance at Maui this year! We visited some old spots, tried some new, and instilled a new mid-day downtime habit so we wouldn't adventure ourselves out. Our trip definitely falls under a "mission accomplished" trip, and we're already eager to go back, of course.
Our main purpose for our Maui vacation this September was for it to be our late summer ocean trip. With our new-found, for me, and rekindled, for Justin, love for birding, we decided to make this a birding trip as well!Birding at Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge in Kihei, HI |
Kitesurfers and windsurfers in Kihei, HI |
Craft fair in Kihei, HI |
Our first pit stop in Maui was, of course, Taco Bell. Why wouldn't it be? After that, we already started our souvenir shopping at local tourist stores and the craft fair in Kihei.
That's our hotel and I can see our room from this angle! |
I must add, also, that the beach was only 8 steps away from our hotel pool's patio concrete (that's a mouthful). The hot tub was probably less than 20 steps away, which actually may be kind of frightening in case of a storm, but that was of no worry to us.
The wind was a little much this trip. We didn't remember it being as bad last time, but we realized we got the bulk of it with where our hotel was located. But Maui can do no wrong in my eyes, so it was easy to overlook, once I tied back my hair that is....
The first day we knocked off some common birds on our list, not even by birding, but just by them being around: House Sparrow, Common Myna, Japanese White Eye, Red Junglefowl, Cattle Egret, and Black-necked Stilt.
Red Junglefowl |
Cattle Egret right outside our pool area |
Red Junglefowl
Black-necked Stilt |
Black-necked Stilts
There was a 3-hour time change, in our favor, we weren't prepared for. It was so exciting to wake up at what was 9:30 am to us, but 6:30 am to Hawaiians. We were early birds this trip! Our morning routine was to immediately go to the porch (tempted to use "lanai" again, but I can't...but I did?), open the curtains and sliding doors, and soak in the peacefulness Maui poured into our hearts.
"the crashing waves outside our condo" |
The first morning we were there, Justin woke up first and came back to the bedroom with a sad look on his face, stating it was overcast. I had to remind him it was actually only 6:30 am, even though, to our bodies, it was 9:30 am. :) I made an equally silly mistake when I would wake up every morning and forget we were in Maui. I thought we were home and I was hearing cars drive by in puddles of rain...aka the crashing waves outside our condo. :)
Justin with the 'Iao Needle at the viewpoint right before we jumped the fence! |
On the hike.... The 'Iao Needle is now to my right. |
Oh, how could I skip the most important birding fact of our trip?! Exactly right when we were pulling into our parking spot at 'Iao Valley, Justin spotted a white bird flying high in the hills and clouds. THE WHITE-TAILED TROPICBIRD! No biggie...ONLY THE MOST EXCITING BIRD WE CAME TO MAUI TO LOOK FOR!!! Although we were not able to snap a decent photograph ever because it flies too far away and, also, too fast, we were enamored by our sights of it through our binoculars! We either saw two or three of these guys flying in 'Iao Valley right by the entrance. The best part is we were able to spot them three different times within an hour!
Tagged Nene |
Red-crested Cardinal |
Cackling Goose |
Great Frigatebird |
Pacific Golden Plover |
Pacific Golden Plover
Great Frigatebird
Java Sparrow |
Gray Francolin |
Gray Francolin
African Silverbill |
Scaly-breasted Munia |
African Silverbill
Scaly-breasted Munia
The Java Sparrow was one of my favorites because it looks like a miniature puffin, and I love anything mini-sized! The Scaly-breasted Munia felt rewarding, because we had looked for it last year unsuccessfully. The Nene was my favorite of the day, though, because it is the state bird and actually somewhat hard to see, if you don't live in Maui. We only saw it once out of this trip and last! It's somewhat-striped design on its neck is breathtakingly beautiful!
Our most successful birding spot last year was at the Hosmer Grove Campground, right inside the Haleakala National Park, but not all the way up to the crater. We spotted 5 Chukar, 2 'I'iwi, lots of 'Apapane, 3 Ring-necked Pheasants (2 female and 1 dark male variant, we believe), Northern Mockingbird, and the Maui 'Amakahi! Hosmer Grove is an excellent place to spot native birds! The 'I'iwi is my favorite and this time they were seen in different plumage than the bright red we saw them in last time! The Chukar look like they belong in a circus, though, so they may be my favorite from that day!
Chukar |
'I'iwi |
'Apapane |
Female Ring-necked Pheasant flying away |
We always kiss in bamboo forests... it's one of our things |
We visited another of "our spots" on this trip: the Garden of Eden on the Road to Hana. Although there is a $10 per-person charge (we got the second-timer rate, ohhhh yeahhhh!), it is totally worth it! Especially for the close encounters with Common Peafowl! The two babies were all the rave in the arboretum! But my favorite bird of the day there was the Chinese Hwamei! Their faces are beautiful and it looks like they are dressed for a masquerade! We also spotted Chestnut Munia, which are richly colored!
Chinese Hwamei |
Common Peafowl, aka Peacocks |
Common Peafowl
Chinese Hwamei
The itty-bitty islet where we spotted the Red-footed Booby, Brown Booby, and Great Frigatebird (again) |
Three Bears Falls |
Honokalani black sand beach |
Is it really black sand? |
Brown and Black Noddies |
Brown and Black Noddies
Our trip settled down after checking off 'Iao Valley, Hosmer Grove, and the Road to Hana off our list. Those are the three main attractions for us on Maui. "Our spots."
On Friday, we ventured over to Lahaina for a relaxing breakfast at Longhi's, which Justin remembered had the best breakfast potatoes (which makes this another of "our spots," thanks to the Tulsa family for the recommendation last year!). Not only does Longhi's have the best breakfast potatoes, but I got THE BEST muffin I have ever had! Lemon poppy seed with fresh raspberries cooked into it, topped with chopped macadamia nuts. The "cherry on top" was that it was steaming hot inside and out and the fact that it had more of a muffin top than a muffin bottom (which Gilmore Girls taught me, the top is always the best part!). And my Maui tradition is to have fresh pineapple at some point, so this was the perfect place to check that off my list!
THE muffin |
Our view from our table at Longhi's |
Unfortunately, an unappetizing picture of the cheese ravioli's |
We had a delicious dinner at Fabiani's with my cousins, who asked us if this was "one of our spots" and we brushed it off saying "no," not realizing that it totally is one of our spots! We verified that by going there again the next night and ordering the same entree to split! Who can resist THE BEST HOMEMADE CHEESE RAVIOLI'S IN THE WORLD?! But seriously. You won't believe it until you try them, and then you'll insist "perfection" is part of the ingredients!
Duplicating our dessert the previous night as well, we went out again to the Snow Factory, which the
cousins introduced us to. Described by my cousin as "it's just like eating snow in Shingletown" (where we used to visit our grandparents), snow is pretty much the best dessert in the world. Justin said I apparently went all "Elf" on him by ordering strawberry and cookies 'n cream snow with white chocolate chips and mini m&m's, topped with caramel sauce, so we got separate cups the next night and were supremely happy with our experience of snow (definitely one of "our things" now!).
Hers |
His |
Sunset at Makena Beach |
Sunset at Makena Beach
Enjoying walking around Ulua/Maakapo Beaches before the sunset |
We kiss at sunsets |
Wandering Tattler (picture not taken at Ulua/Maakapo Beaches) |
Sunset at Ulua/Maakapo Beaches
Our own "secret cove" |
Our last sunset at the beach we caught was supposed to be at the "Secret Cove" (Paako Beach), but we couldn't find it in time, so we stopped at who knows where, but what a great spot it turned out to be! The sunset was amazing and the waves picked up while we were there, which made for great pictures!
Sunset at our own "secret cove"
The last few birds of the trip were the Hawaiian Coot, Rock Pigeon, Ruddy Turnstone, and Sanderling, which brought us to a total of 41 birds this trip!
Ruddy Turnstone |
Sanderling |
Sipping on a cappuccino, watching the sunrise, ...on our lanai |
The sunrise was so peaceful that I even had to sneak-make (totally not a phrase, but I'm claiming it) a cup of cappuccino (I'm trying to eliminate caffeine from my diet, hence the sneaking) to top the morning off with perfection.
We ended our trip the best way possible. We opened both of the sliding glass doors all the way, pulled two chairs in front of the lanai (okay, last time, I promise!), and sat in silence as we watched the waves. Sigh. What a great trip!
Random facts of The Great Maui Trip of 2014:
- Our trip had two theme songs. The first, Fire Blazin', was stuck in my head on the way there, and I succeeded in getting it stuck in Justin's as well. I always thought "underbeats" was a musical term, but apparently I coined that one in regards to this song. But you gotta listen to it...great underbeats!!! You can't deny it! And the second song was our theme song (more about this down below).
- Our pool had 4 magical mosaic dolphins in it. Need I say more?
- The keynote address for Apple occurred on our trip. That was a must-see for the husband. I love him.
- We were the youngest vacationers at our resort. It was funny sunbathing by retirees...what a life they must live!
- The drive to 'Iao Valley is one of our favorites. Many parts of the road are covered with arches of trees, and the street contains a beautiful historic church and some building that may also be a church, but it looks like a castle. In front of the church contains a tree that Justin claims as "his favorite tree ever," because it is a "very handsome" tree.
- Eating Safeway deli sandwiches is apparently our go-to meal in Maui, besides Taco Bell (which goes without saying).
- If you do something twice and you intend to do it again, it starts becoming "your thing." Great news! We now have a spot where we eat lunch always at 'Iao Valley. Our very own spot! Well, a bench, but still! Who would've thunk we'd have a spot in 'Iao Valley! Oh life...
- I conjured up nicknames for us on this trip. Hello, I am Nature Babe, and you can call my husband, Mountain Dude. We are working on our theme song, which was stuck in our heads nearly the whole trip, and we are even thinking about expanding into the business of children books (I say this with jest, but I so wish this was true!). Get this.... "Nature Babe and Mountain Dude's Fun with Trees" and "...Fun with Moss" and "...Fun with Sailboats" and "...Fun with Trails" and "...Fun with Kites" and...are you ready for this... "...Fun with Birds!"
- Best equation ever: relaxing at the pool + toes in sand + no cares in mind + ocean breeze + no schedule to keep = happiness
- We found a consignment store in Maui called Rainbow Attic. Perfect name, right?! It gets
Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal and a Hawaiian man
- We had a first together this trip. I grew up eating Round Table Pizza and becoming obsessed with their Garlic Parmesan Twists. Justin had never heard, let alone eaten, these majestic twists of glory. We got a box, oh boy, did we get a box! Bliss. Enough said.
- Don't go to Maui craving corn. $4.25 at Safeway for one measly ear of corn.
- We found a sea cave at the Kihei Boat Landing. My husband is really into caves.
- I insist on finding a rainbow before leaving Maui (it's one of "my things"). Check! Saw a rainbow over a beautiful golf course in Wailea.
- Apparently there is a little bit of Avatar on Maui. We found a Cattle Egret "home tree" and also a Myna "home tree!" And there are hiking trails after the cliff beach on West Maui (was on our to-do list for this trip) that Justin says looked like a movie set. There was an "Avatar tree" there that had wisps hanging down that I swear looked like they would start glowing any second, like in Avatar!
Cattle Egret "home tree" |
Myna "home tree" (they were all on top, so you couldn't
see them, but, boy, could you hear them!)
Movie-like tree |
Avatar-like tree |
- We saw over 20 deer climbing the hill behind Makena. Who knew!
- There is apparently a rat problem in Maui (gross). They brought in mongoose to solve the problem years ago. But now there is a mongoose problem, because mongoose and rats are on different sleeping schedules. There's a knee slapper for ya!
- I found my new favorite apple! They are called "Envy" and are from New Zealand. Has anyone ever seen them on the main land?
- Last trip we frequented Bounty Music three times. This time, our "3-timer" was Sports Authority. :)
- We got our yearly "cat time" at the Maui Humane Society again (one of "our things"). Those cats there have a pretty good life living in all of the cat rooms there!
Every blog should always end with kittens...
Ahhhh, Maui...until next time, aloha!
SO COOL! And super educational, I might add! Glad the trip was exactly what you guys wanted it to be. :)
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