I left for a night and two days to what some call Hollywood's Magical Island. The trip was planned for two reasons: first, to meet up with my lovely friend Jodi, who is an exemplar model of a woman of God, and second, to escape.
This weekend was healthy mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally—what else could you ask for?
My meticulous self got to the ferry dock a little too early, but, never fear, it provided me relaxed time to hunt down some cocoa and to score my new favorite pair of sunglasses!
It was a freezing, yet beautiful and pristine morning God created special for November 5, 2011.
I was realizing how much I enjoy traveling alone and how this may be my new hobby I have been searching for, but I also realized that I have one big problem with traveling alone. You would think the problem would naturally be the need to talk to another person, but, nope, I kind of like not having to talk to anyone. My problem is the need to laugh! Now I say this is a problem, but I still laugh—the laughter isn’t the problem. It is the act of me laughing alone by myself, which probably looks slightly crazy. But, then again, is being such a joyful person to the point where I can’t contain my laughter coming out whether I’m alone or with a crowd of people REALLY a problem? J
The ferry to Catalina Island felt like a mix between Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride and the Tower of Terror. And let me remind you that this combination occurred together for over an hour! Lets just say the swells were not small…. But instead of dwelling on how close I felt to throwing up, the laughter just started coming out because it was one of the moments when it felt like it couldn’t get any worse. [This glimpse of a moment reminded me of all the good times my mom and I have had over the years in airplanes. We do this thing (UNINTENTIONALLY we swear—it just happens…like mother, like daughter perhaps) where we start laughing sometimes on airplanes and can’t stop. Maybe it’s the altitude or maybe it’s the compact space. I don’t know. But those moments are some of my greatest memories with my mom.]
Back to the topic, my favorite part about Catalina Island may very well be the moment you first see Avalon—from Lovers Rock all the way over past the Casino to Descanso Beach and the condos. Ahh, sigh.... The stress melts away at that point from there on out and doesn't exist again until you get back to the mainland.
I met my dear friend, Jodi, for a tasty lunch and laughter-filled conversation. The joy you get from the voice and care of an old friend! So happy to hear all the ways God has blessed her lately!
One thing I always look forward to on the island is the Glass Bottom Boat! I fall in love with the kelp all over again and feel like a little kid with my oohs and ahhs over all the exciting things to look at in the underwater sea gardens. I always think I'll get sick of looking down to see how beautiful it is, but nope!
I hunted down the only place they sell sushi on the island then went to the theater! Talk about the most beautiful piece of architecture and design! So full of whimsy and life! From the art deco murals outside to the classic old red plush seats to the interior dome ceiling to the fresco wall and ceiling paintings to the gold leaf stars on the ceiling to the huge center stage and curtains to the famous organ...and my favorite part...the twinkling stars on the ceiling before, during, and after the movie! I sat front row to hear the famous organ be played and to video it for my mom. I'm not one to care much for organ music, but I was letting my mother, who has always wanted to go to the theater in Catalina, live vicariously through me!The movie was Puss in Boots and I didn't care much for it and it was weak in comparison to my previous theater experience that couldn't have been any greater (one word: Up), but my Saturday night adventure was so pleasant.
Sunday morning was my favorite moment of my trip. I stayed in bed a little longer and basked in happiness of living the adventurous life (see quote below for further understanding of this beautiful and life-changing concept). I opened my blinds to find it was raining—yay! I didn't pack correctly for the weather, though, so what I ended up wearing was more than half of what I packed! I walked to a restaurant to get breakfast and the great thing about going to eat alone is usually there is always a place at the bar for one, so there is never a wait! That was the moment I had the best French Vanilla Cappuccino of my life and ate my usual: pancakes, bacon, and fruit.
I scurried from awning to awning to get out of the rain, but I was sad when it stopped that afternoon. Ironically, rain warms my soul....
I'm not one for tourist shopping, but it was fun to sneak into a store out of the rain and buy someone a Christmas present and then go back out again.
Two unexpected activities to my trip were going to the Church in the rain and going on a couple mile hike afterward. My shin splints at the moment don't thank me for the latter, but in the moment, I was laughing, kicking rocks, singing Ingrid and offering to take pictures of every couple I walked by.
I am not a fan of fish and chips, but I felt like it was a must to enjoy fish and chips on the Green Pleasure Pier, so why not? You only live once! After that, Jodi and I took a tour of the Casino Theater and Ballroom and learned so much! You get some of the best views of the island from the ballroom balcony too! Fun fact...In 1989, the high school in Avalon had asbestos in their gym and had to close it for remodeling. So that meant that the high school basketball games, dances, and even graduation had to be held in the Casino Ballroom! Tough life!
Sweet Jodi prayed a blessing over me and then I left on my beautiful trip home aboard a ferry to take me back to the mainland in the newly dark 5 o'clock.
'Tis so sweet to have been blessed with life from God! So often I get caught up in the fact of what He wants me to do, that I forget that part of the reason why God created this thing we call “life” is for us to enjoy it! He wants us to use our lives to glorify Him, praise Him, and enjoy His Creation! And Avalon sure is a BEAUTIFUL part of God’s Creation!
"The only life worth living is the adventurous life. Of such a life the dominant characteristic is that it is unafraid. It is unafraid of what other people think... It does not adapt either its pace or its objectives to the pace and objectives of its neighbors. It thinks its own thoughts, it reads its own books, it developed its own hobbies, and it is governed by its own conscience. The herd may graze where it pleases or stampede where it pleases, but he who lives the adventurous life will remain unafraid when he finds himself alone." Harry Emerson Fosdick
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